• Knowledge About Yoga – From JW Garment

Knowledge About Yoga – From JW Garment

Yoga originated in India and has a history and culture of more than 5,000 years. It is known as the “treasure of the world”. The word yoga comes from the Indian Sanskrit word “yug” or “yuj”, which means “unity”, “union” or “harmony”. Yoga is a philosophical body that helps people reach their full potential by raising awareness.
The origin of yoga is in the Himalayas in northern India. When ancient Indian yogis cultivated their minds and bodies in nature, they accidentally discovered that various animals and plants have innate methods of healing, relaxing, sleeping, or staying awake. Healed spontaneously with any treatment. So the ancient Indian yogis observed, imitated and experienced the postures of animals, and created a series of exercise systems that are beneficial to the body and mind, that is, asanas.
Yoga has many benefits, can prevent disease, can also regulate autonomic function, can improve sleep. Many yoga poses are very difficult. By adhering to these poses, you can consume excess body fat and lose weight.
Therefore, people who practice yoga regularly have a very good body and can help lose weight. Yoga can also cultivate sentiment. In the process of doing yoga, there are some actions that require meditation. Through these meditations, people can improve their reaction ability and sensitivity to the outside world, improve their endurance, and improve their own self-esteem. thinking ability.
Through yoga exercise, you can also improve your anxiety about the outside world. After yoga last night, the body and mind will be relaxed, the body will be stretched, and the spirit will be pleasant.

Post time: Jun-29-2022